A new word game for a new generation of gamers

Developing We are developing a new word game for a new generation of gamers and we’re looking for your input – Please join us for free and be a part of our community

Because we are avid and dedicated players ourselves, the idea to create a new game was born when there were a number of features that we wished to have in a game that couldn’t be found. For instance, having different time limits, selecting the number of players to play with or simply being able to choose between different board layouts.

We are at the late stages of development. The basic gameplay has been implemented as well as support for multiple platforms (Android, iOS, Web, Mac and Windows), but now we’re looking for your help on which final features should be added to the game before its release. We would very much like to have your input on which features you’d like to see in a word game.

Please follw us and be a part of our coumunity